Monday 7 December 2015

It's A New Beginning for Toyin Aimakhu

It's been exactly 6 days since Toyin Aimakhu declared a new beginning in her life. It appears the Nollywood actress has just given her life to Christ or better still re-dedicated her life to  Christ, as she has religiously posted a new verse each day on her social media page, encouraging her fans to give their lives to Christ.

This new beginning campaign seems more like a facade than the turn of a new leaf to some of her fans who feel she is only trying to gather sympathy from the public after separation from her hubby. Others who still find it hard to believe arrived at the conclusion that her account must have been hacked. While some have embraced the new Toyin, her fan base is divided on the basis of this sudden turn. Whatever the case may be, Toyin will still be gracing the TV screens in Nollywood movies and that's enough comfort to  any disillusioned fan.

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